1200x800 tea steeping temperatures


It is in our country’s culture to take our tea boiling hot, but the ideal temperature to steep our tea leaves in for the perfect cup of tea couldn’t be more different. Delicate tea leaves steeped at a temperature too high might burn and produce a bitter taste. Get the best out of your gourmet tea leaves with the right temperatures!

Based on 200ml of water

Type of Leaves Amount of Water Steeping Time Steeping Temperature
Black 1-2 tsp 2-3 min (broken leaf)
3-5 min (full leaf)
Japanese Green Tea
Chinese Green Tea

1-2 tsp
2 tsp

1-2 min
2-3 min

70°c - 80°c
80°c - 85°c

White 2-3 tsp 3-5 min 80°c - 85°c
Red 1.5-2 tsp 5-6 min 96°c
Pu-Erh 1-2 tsp 3 min 100°c
Herbal 1-2 tsp 3 min 100°c

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