Serves 4-5


  • Beef Shanks, 500 grams
  • Beef Cubes, 500 grams
  • Water, about 1.2 litres 
  • Onion, 1 (cut into 4 chunks)
  • Green Onions, 1/2 cup (chopped into long chunks)
  • Bay Leaves, 3
  • Whole Pepper Corn, 2 tablespoons
  • Fish Sauce, 2 tablespoons 
  • Potato, 2 medium size (peeled and cut into chunks)
  • Yellow Corns, 1-2 cobs (cut into 3-4 chunks)
  • Small Cabbage, half (whole leaf individually detached)

Ingredients for Bulalo2


  1. In a Thermos® Shuttle Chef® inner pot, add beef shanks, beef cubes and 5 cups of water (or until the beef is fully covered with water), and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove any surfaced scum.
  2. Add onions, green onions, bay leaves, whole pepper corns and fish sauce. Bring it to a boil.
  3. When boiling, add potato chunks and yellow corns. Simmer for about 35 minutes. 
  4. Turn off heat and add cabbage leaves. Mix well and cover the inner pot with lid. 
  5. Transfer the inner pot into the Shuttle Chef® outer pot. Let it sit aside for 4 hours.



  • This recipe is based on using a 4.5L Thermos® Shuffle Chef® such as KBG-4500.